Deception’s Alliance

Chapter 5, Chronicle I
By William Black - The Druid Knight

With that final warning, the two uninjured trolls helped their wounded colleagues up and back into the darkness. "Please beware, Oh most noble knight. Death is coming and it seeks you."

For a moment William just stood there looking out into the night, then he went back to his bedroll and snuggled down deep inside. Willow gave a gentle neigh, and the brook sang to him a gentle lullaby, but the warning echoed in the Druid’s head, until sleep finally overtook him.

He slept without dreaming. When he awoke it was well into daybreak. William scolded himself for his lack of discipline and hurriedly got up. He made up his bedroll, stowed away his camping gear, and prepared a light breakfast. His stomach was doing flip-flops anyway and he didn’t want to aggravate the condition. It might have been something he ate, he reminded himself. "No, you’re just getting old," came the doubting voice within. "You’re afraid."

Frightened? Was he fearful because of the old troll’s warning? Had he not already seen his "End" and how it would come? If so, than the fear was irrational. But the knight also reminded himself that bravery was only fear that has said its prayers. Besides, fear was not a bad thing. It was meant to warn of danger to the one afraid; unless of course it was uncontrolled. Then it was tremendously harmful.

William looked around as he packed up Willow. The knight thought his horse was being quite patient with her master’s distractions. Will knew he was not keeping his mind on his chores, but in the end everything was packed where it belonged. The horse and her rider had a long trip ahead of them.

The knight mounted his steed and road out from the little thicket back to the main road. He continued down the ridge of mountains for days, pausing only to sleep and rest his horse.

A week later he came to the southern tip of the mountain range. Turning Southeast he headed towards the Dark Woods. His mind was on the task before him. He must present himself before the Lady Morion and her court. William knew of her dream; the one in which she saw the Druid knight fall at the claws of the Dark Beast, for Arrow, his guardian eagle, had revealed this much to him. But Arrow had only visited once, which rather disturbed the knight. Didn’t his feathered guardian care about him any longer?

The eagle had apparently found a new home with Morion. Yet there was something else. Will knew the eagle had much more intelligence than most humans he knew. It was just possible that Arrow was keeping watch over Morion, for a danger hidden to her. Yes, not all of her courtiers were allies and friends. This the Druid knight knew the first time he presented himself before her court.

Morion commanded the respect and love of many "protectors" both knights and maidens, yet could she really put her complete trust in them? The Druid knight knew of a few such as the one known as "the First Knight". Then there was "Windwalker" and the maidens he simply knew as "Countess" and "Andromeda" . But what of the others? Why did he get the feeling Arrow knew more than he did about those around Morion.

However, there was one HE certainly didn’t trust, though Morion apparently did. That was Morgana. William smile wryly at the thought of her. She was an enchantress of exceptional abilities. Much like his beloved Catherine, but with a much more dangerous bite and the will to use it. Morgana was a woman who, like himself, did not show her years. She was knowledgeable about the histories of the lands, the uses of magick and herbs, she was a philosopher of sorts, a musician, and a fair swordswoman. She was what a Druidess should be, with one exception. She was ambitious to a fault. She wanted power. She loved to use any who could advance her opportunities to gain more influence among the various peoples and rulers in the land. There were very few rules she would not consider breaking if she thought it would achieve her goals.

William cocked his head a bit as another thought entered his mind. It was an image of Morgana from the last time they had met. He had just beaten her in a "sorcerers’ dual", though he had just recently become a Christian. He had great guilt at using magick when he shouldn’t have, yet he also felt a great amount of pride for defeating one so powerful as Morgana. It was seer luck that the contest had come out as it had; or was it because of Divine help. He could not certain.

But the image of her defeated stirred his heart and burned in his soul. He could see her sitting on the ground, her hair dishevelled and matted to her face and neck. Her chest was heaving with exertion and glistened seductively with sweat in the moonlight. Her eyes were filled with blue fire. She could change eye colour at will and often tried to fool him into believing she was Catherine. She was very good at it. The look she had given him for the defeat bordered on hatred; but not quite.

"Yes, I must be watchful for that one." William urged his mount to go a bit faster.

The Dark Wood lay before him; vast and foreboding. There were creatures of all sorts lurking in those woods. William had been through numerous times observing all types of life. Being a Druid (ex-druid he reminded himself) had its benefits here too. For the fairy folk and the other creatures respected his abilities and didn’t seek to cause him trouble. Yet there were others such as wood demons that served the Great Enemy, Dumah, who would love to see this Druid knight laying at their feet dead, but this forest had too much dreaded "life" for them to attempt an attack on their own. No, they would have to depend on their brothers and sisters who lived in more lifeless spots to make the attack on this hated knight.

Dumah used these wood demons as eyes. He watched as William entered the darkness of the forest. He smiled to himself knowing of what was to come. Yes, Dumah used many to do his bidding and most of those knew not of his influence. He also chuckled at what he was to do to Lady Morion. Oh, how beautiful and protected she was, sitting there in her castle. With patience, he would have her as his own and her realm of the Dark Crystal.

But this Druid knight must be taken down first. Too many forests, too many gardens, too much Life was restored by this piece of earth scum. And now he was in the service of Lady Morion! Totally unacceptable! Dumah spit acid as he thought of Will. This "Christian" with his high and mighty morals. This "Druid" with is love of all life. This "Knight" with his sickening and putrid vows of chivalry and nobility. Dumah licked what were used for lips, and thought of the taste of blood. William’s blood would be like wine. He would watch with the greatest pleasure as the Druid’s life was sucked away drop-by-drop.

"Destroy my son, would you! Encasing him in a horrid tree!!! You, slime of the earth, will die a most delicious death." Dumah turned and left his dark thoughts of Will to seek others he could molest more immediately.

The Druid knight continued on his way deeper into the Dark Wood, unaware of the hateful thoughts directed his way. He had more immediate concerns, finding a relatively safe resting spot for the night. He had ridden a long way this day and needed sleep. Willow also showed signs of fatigue.

He found a little clearing by a spring where to make camp. He tied Willow to a near by tree and then set down his bedroll strategically so that if anything did attack, he could rise up easily to defend both himself and his mount. He gathered his now stale travel bread and some hardened cheese from his saddle bags, but only picked at each as the darkness of the forest grew deeper as night fell. His wine was depleted, so he filled his wine flask with the sweet water of the spring. He then built a small fire wishing to give himself some warmth, but not so much as to draw a great deal of attention to his presence.

Willow chewed contentedly on some tender stalks of grass near the spring. Knowing she sense no danger gave Will a feeling of comfort. He hated to use his "abilities" since they had some mildly bad side effects. "Best not use them if not needed," he reminded himself.

Finally, he put a few hefty logs on the fire which would burn slowly but provide warmth well into the night. He then made a pillow out of his surcoat and climbed into his bedroll, covering himself with his robe. He was asleep almost immediately.

He felt her their next to him. His body responded to her warmth and a contented moan issued out of his throat as he drew her even closer to him. She for her part climbed onto him, placing her hands under his shoulders, and kissing him deeply. The desire within him grew as he held her tight, allowing one hand to move down her smooth back. He kissed the curve of her neck and as she moaned with pleasure, his eyes opened. "Catherine."
The Enchantress looked down at him, her hair a red halo round her soft featured face. But something was wrong. Her face, though familiar, was not that of Catherine’s.
"By the Saints!" William struggled under the weight of the woman on top of him. He lifted her off and scrambled to his feet, trying to wrap his robe around him at the same time. "Morgana!"
Morgana burst into laughter as she sat up. "You know Will, I don’t think I have ever seen you move so fast. Nor felt you so-hmmm-eager? By the way, I do love how you feel." Her voice was a sultry purr.
"Morgana, what on earth are you doing here?!" William was truly surprised. He felt a little ashamed at his earlier thoughts concerning her.
"My poor knight, if you don’t know, you have been away from women too long." She looked at him seductively. "Come back to bed. I promise to be gentle. Well, sort of." She winked at him and giggled.
"Aha, right. And what else do you have in store for me, Morgana? A little knife in the back whilst I sleep? No thanks. I think I will stay up tonight." The knight looked from Morgana to his mount. Willow hardly stirred. The horse at least would be rested, the knight comforted himself.
"Don’t be silly, William. I am here as a friend and protector of Morion. I fear for you as much as she does. I have looked deep into Morion’s heart. For some reason she cares for you, and I hate to admit this (you better never repeat this to anyone, because I will deny it), but so do I. You are a valuable asset to her and those you protect." Morgana looked legitimately sincere. "Now, seriously, come to bed. It’s cold."
"It wouldn’t be so cold if you had a stitch of clothing on." Morgana was indeed without dress. She sat there as any fairy creature would. The night seemed to cloth her, but Will noticed goose bumps up and down her arms and legs. "Put your travel cloak on at least."
"You come here and warm me." Seeing that he was unwilling to do so, she continued with a pout, "Will, you are no fun at all. What does Catherine see in you anyway?"
"What she sees in me, is no concern of yours. But I love her, and it is enough. As for you, you only see what can promote your ambition for power."
"What I see in you, my beloved knight, is more than usual, but I like what I see!" She tilted her head and glanced down at his waste. William followed her stare and found that his robe was not fully together. His face turned beet red and he glared at her in annoyance as he secured his cloak more firmly around his waist. She just sat there shaking her head at him.
"Come on Will. Come to bed. I promise to behave. If I don’t, you can hit me with some of your Druid fire. Oooooo, that actually sounds rather fun. Want to give it a try?"
At this point the knight was so tired he just didn’t care anymore. So he said, "Just put your cloak on." With this William brought her riding cloak and wrapped her in it. He looked into her eyes briefly, then crawled into the bedroll next to her; his robe being a buffer between them. Good to her word, she did leave him alone and fell asleep just before he did. He dozed to her gentle breathing and his last thought of the night was that, despite their differences, he was glad she was there.

The morning came too early. Will opened his eyes to see that he was facing Morgana; his arm draped over her warm body holding her close. "Must have gotten cold during the night," he chided himself under his breath.
She opened her eyes to behold him, "Mmmmm," she purred as she snuggled closer to him, "I could get used to this." She let her eyes close as she turned her head to kiss him. Her mouth explored his in heated delight. For a moment William forgot himself and let his desire run free, his hand moving down to her hips, but only for a moment. "Morgana," he said a bit too breathlessly, "we must be on our way." Yet he held her firmly, not wishing to give up the moment.
She looked into his eyes, "Oh, you ol’ party pooper. Why don’t you relax and enjoy the moment!" Her hands explored the small of his back urging him closer. Her warmth inviting him in.
"Because it is well into morning and I want to get out of this forest today if possible." Will reluctantly climbed out of the bedroll, shook his head vigorously to clear his thoughts, and got dressed quickly. He placed some dry grass and leaves on the few remaining embers of the fire and coaxed the flames back to life. "There, warm yourself with that." He regretted not being able to warm her himself.
"William, I will NEVER understand you!" Morgana truly looked hurt, then her expression changed, "But I plan on continuing to try." Her smile was full of mischief. "So, what is on the agenda this morning, besides riding all day." Her look grew more conspiratorial as she edged closer to him, the riding cloak revealing more than it should have.
"We must hurry and get out of these woods. I was warned by a troll wizard that, and I quote ‘Death is coming and it seeks’ me. So, if this is true, I much rather be in the open where I can have a fair fight of it. Also, I don’t want you to possibly get hurt. It’s not your fight."
Morgana looked at him for a long time, then spoke, "Was it Canth-dar who warned you? Don’t answer, I know it was. That poor smelly excuse for a troll knows nothing. He is half mad and totally blind when it comes to second sight. He could not foresee his own next meal if his life depended on it. Why do you trouble yourself by his words?"
The Druid knight pondered how to answer, then said, "Only because of you, my dear. It is true that such warnings as Canth-dar gave me would put any man on edge, but when you showed up, it confirmed the warnings. Now, don’t look offended. I know better than to believe you were the one the troll meant when he told me death stalked me. No, I know who my real enemy is. Never fear." William walked over to Morgana and place a solid kiss on her lips, then held her close. "I am glad you are here. Now, please get a few more cloths on, we have a long journey ahead of us."
Morgana titled her head back to look at the knight. "So, I am getting to you." She made it a statement rather than a question. "Good, maybe we can," now her face flushed a bright red, "let’s get going before I say something really stupid." With that she release the knight, went a few yards into a grove of trees and dressed. She then untethered her horse and came back to where Will was breaking camp.

After Will made sure the fire was out, he and Morgana got underway. They travelled in silence for the first few miles, then started to converse as old friends; about battles fought and won, loves of the past, dreams of the future, and of course, about the Lady Morion. William had a keen interest in this beautiful Lady of the Dark Crystal. So much so, that Morgana’s comments and answers became somewhat clipped, her jealousy rising. William respected Morgana’s feelings, so he backed away from the topic of Lady Morion. However, he still probed for answers concerning the Realm of the Dark Crystal. What magick protected the Realm from the very enemies that sought to destroy it? The very enemies he himself was at war with? Morgana spoke of the "Dark Crystal" and the abilities of the Lady Morion herself. But one of the reasons Morion gathered some of the best and bravest knights around her was to ensure that the crystal would remain safe and her realm secure. Morion had also attracted some of the finest sorcerers and magicians to her cause.
However, to Morgana’s knowledge, William was the first Druid enlisted to the cause. She said, "No, ‘enlisted’ is not the correct term. Morion knows that you are uncontrollable, Will. This is one reason you intrigue her; that and your arrogance. You should have heard the courtiers talking about you when you departed after your initial presentation to her Ladyship. You were called the ‘Pretentious Knight’ until Morion put a stop to it. She dubbed you the ‘Druid Knight’, and you have found a very special place in her heart."
William fell silent as he digested Morgana’s words. They rode in silence once more, the only noises were the horses’ hoofs in the soft earth and the sound of birds and insects in the trees. Then silence fell like a curtain. Will looked at Morgana, then slowed Willow. He closed his eyes and sent tendrils of thought reaching out into the hidden areas of the forest surrounding him.
A dozen or so wood demons huddled in the shadows; their only weapons clubs, knives, claws and teeth. Will opened his eyes to discover that Morgana was no place to be found. He never thought to keep his senses focused on her too. Well, so much for trust. He was alone again.

The demons made an initial disorganised attack. William was ready. Staying mounted he spurred Willow into the few demons who were foolish enough to attack him. The Rune engraved sword slashed viciously into the unprotected demons; their clubs and knives no match for the skill of a seasoned knight. However, one demon did jump onto the back of the frightened horse, who reared in horror sending the demon and knight crashing to the ground.
William was up in a flash of movement. The demon was too slow and paid the price. But there were others to take its place. Now the attacks became more organised. William knew that, despite his skill, he could not stand against all his remaining foes. He sent blasts of wind and fountains of water to smash against his adversaries. But with ever use of magick his guilt grew and his strength weakened.
Finally, a thought occurred to him, a desperate gamble. The demons circled him waiting for an opening. He watched them with intense interest. Then he raised his sword high into the air and with a flourish brought it crashing point down against the earth. Half of the blade was buried into the forest floor. Then he knelt down, stretched his arms out wide, and closed his eyes as if in prayer.
The demons looked at one another dumb struck. What was this Druid up to? What trick was this? They edged closer not willing to get too near for fear that the knight would strike them down with magick. Then the bravest of them raised their clubs and knives to strike the death blows. They let out blood curdling howls.
"Noooooooo! Will protect yourself! PLEASE!" Morgana’s voice pleaded.
William opened his eyes to reveal red flames. The demons shrieked in horror. Searing fire shot forth from the knight’s hands like lightening. Blue flames consuming those creatures nearest to him. The ones who didn’t fall immediately wailed in agony. Their pain was palatable to the Druid knight. Even after they were dead, he continued to strike their bodies with fire. His hate for them all consuming. Then she appeared. He turned the full force of his hatred towards her. Flames lanced out at the startled enchantress.
Morgana put up a protective shield of flame, but it was not enough. She was beaten back. Her only hope was Catherine. In an instant Morgana was gone, replaced by the image of Catherine. Her voice full of fear and sorrow. "Will, please stop. I love you. Please." Tears of pain flowed down Catherine’s cheeks.
The Druid knight let the flames of his hatred die. He shook his head at what he saw. This could not be. This was a trick. The way things stood, Catherine would not use the words "I love you". Trick or no, William could never strike down his beloved. He would not deny her. Not even her image. He may have much against her, but never enough to do her harm. "Catherine? No, Morgana. Where did you go? Why did you go?" The knight’s voice was weak, shaking, and accusatory.
Catherine’s image was gone. It was Morgana who spoke gently and with some guilt, "Will, please understand. I have to work with these creatures. I could not be seen standing with you against them. But I knew you could win. I had faith in you. No, I have faith in you."
William slowly got to his feet, and sadly shook his head at her. "Oh, Morgana. If you could see my thoughts of you now. I think they themselves would strike you down."
Without further word, William collected Willow, mounted her, and proceeded forward along the path leading out of the Dark Wood. As he passed Morgana, he saw the blood stained rapier in her hand. Then he noted three wood demons sprawled at her feet. Her horse too lay dead, its throat torn out by one of the now decease demons. Will looked deeply into her eyes and past to her heart. A sad smile came to his face. "Dear Morgana, please forgive me." With that he helped her mount up behind him. She snuggled close and wrapped her arms securely around his waist.
He urged Willow out of the Dark Woods towards the Realm of the Dark Crystal.

William Black ©


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