Chronicle II, Chapter 12,


By William Black

Dreams came in whispers and soft tendrils of thought. Will seemed to be floating in a sea of azure air. He heard voices whispering all about him, but couldn't understand their words. Everywhere he looked he could see shadowy figures flitting back and forth through a forest of blue glow baskets, the Pêlen Tân. These were the ceremonial lanterns of the Druids, and normally only used during special nightly celebration, or when high magic was being performed.

But no magic could be performed here in Morion's realm. What of the contract? Though Gardain was dead, Will was sure of this, the contract was still binding; at least until the festival was over. Then it occurred to him that maybe he was no longer in Morion's realm. They may have transported him home to Annsbury. Yes, that had to be it. Yet Will knew his brother would have nothing to do with Druids, so why the Pêlen Tân? The voices continued their low rumbling chant. The words should be familiar, but they weren't. They didn't belong here. He didn't belong here either. Then a dark thought entered his mind... maybe he did belong here after all. He had defeated Gardain at his own game; mind-craft. The words being whispered to him suddenly made sense. It was the same language as chanted by Gardain in the early morning hours before the battle. The language he had learned at the feet of Morlyn.

The shadowy shapes took on more solid form; knights of Morion's realm walked slowly around the suspended knight. Will continued to hover a few feet off the ground. The shades before him appeared in armor as noble knights of the realm, but their bodies were skeletal. Nothing but bones covered by loose patches of skin. Each Knight's visor was lifted, so Will would see their fleshless skulls. Hallow eye sockets glowing with a dim red flicker. They steadily approached him as they chanted their prayers to Loki.

As they came to encircle him just a few feet away, they suddenly stopped and quieted their airless voices. Out of the blue mist stepped Morion, her face as beautiful and serene as always. The knights parted to allow her entrance. She came and stood before the bewildered knight, her dark eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Behold, I'm here for you, my most noble knight. Take me in your arms and let us know love together." With this she grasped the front of her blouse and ripped it open, revealing a torso of rotting flesh, maggots, and bare bones. She jumped onto him, grouping at his cloths, tearing them to shreds with her claw-like nails.

Will twisted sharply, thrusting with all his might at the creature on top of him. She flew from away him, splattering to pieces across the rough stone ground, as the other specters burst into searing fire. When the tongues of flame died down, it was replaced by an oppressive silence.

The quiet was broken by boisterous laughter. Laughter which suited bars and brothels, but not the sacred places of Druids. Will knew one who had just such a laugh.

"Yes, Will. It is I who am sending these visions to you. It is I, Morlyn, your Master. Are you happy to hear from me? No? Well, I am disappointed and hurt. I really am." More laughter broke out, then the laughter became darker and finally ceased. "But I must say I am rather irritated at you for having defeated my friend and student, Gardain. He was a good study, just as you were. But unlike you, he knew the real purpose of magic. He knew the meaning of power! Oh well. There are others who I can train. Not before destroying you and your loved ones however."

"You see, ever since you left my tutelage, I have both watched your progress with envy and admired your abilities. Yet needless to say I despise you. We could have ruled realm upon realm, you and I... hmmm, it is a shame that I have to destroy what could have been my most promising pupil."

Will tried to speak, but his mouth was dry and his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. Finally he croaked, "Are you Lord Banon?"

The voice seemed to pause, then the laughter began again. Once it had quieted, the voice spoke matter-of-factly, "Lord Banon is high priest to Loki. Though I do not share his theology, I do share his dream. The conquest of the southern realms. The defeat of Morion's Realm. She is a beautiful woman, is she not? What do you think? Is she worthy of me? Lord Banon has devices on her as well, but I don't think I will let him have her."

Will tried to stand, but failed. "Morion will never submit to you! Nor will she allow her realm to be taken!"

"As for submitting to me, she won't have much of a choice. I will take her. And regarding the realm? The mind-craft is almost complete. Oh, it is true you have made some headway reversing what Gardain started, yet I doubt it will be enough. In fact, as you lay here dreaming, Banon's armies are marching down on the Realm of the Dark Crystal. Town after town has fallen to him. Morion won't be able to stop the hoards from coming. She won't be able to stop me from coming to her. And you, my dear pupil, won't ever come out of this coma." The laugher echoed in the blue stillness.

Will looked about, desperately trying to find a way to wake himself. Then the darkness of despair overwhelmed him.

He dreamed again. He appeared to be floating in a sea of blue air, and he knew the visions were repeating themselves. Each time ending with Morlyn's laughter and his own dark despair. Will wondered how many times he relived the dreams. Yet each time he failed to wake himself.

An urgent voice reached out to him as if across a great chasm. The voice was familiar to him, but he could not for the life of him picture who it was. It said, "Will, you once promised to be my champion... do you remember? Where are you? Robert and I need you. Please come back to us. Come back to me. Please? You never have broken your promises to me. Don't start now. Will, can you hear me?"

The voice was Morgan's. Will concentrated trying to locate its source. He moved his head or tried to, but he felt paralyzed. He opened his eyes and could see Morgan standing over him. He tried to call for her, yet it seemed she either could not hear, or didn't realize he was awake. She turned and walked away. He tried to call after her, his words lost in the silence of his dreams.

Dreams and visions. How could he escape the trap Morlyn had so deviously prepared for him. Dreams and visions... Visions! Will knew the answer. He slowed his breathing, counting the breaths and heartbeats as they slowed in obedience to the force of his will. Once they were at the level he wanted them to be, he turned his mind's focus homeward to the Ring of Stones that stood a few miles out of town. The stone dolmens stood as ancient sentinels to his beloved Annsbury. It was a massive pile of rock to some, but to him it was a sacred place where he first took his vows both as a Druid, then later as a knight. He focused his thoughts on what appeared to be a doorway, but was really two stones with a third lying horizontally across the top. It was indeed a doorway. This was the Sun gate. He forced his mind to concentrated on it. Then with a heave of effort, he imagined sending himself hurtling through the opening just as the Sun rose to free itself from the Earth's horizon.

He hit hard, his mind spinning with pain. "Will!" A voice shouted from across the room. Morgan ran to him and drew him up off the floor to a sitting position. Doctor Ambros was at his side almost immediately.

"Help me get him back on the bed," he ordered Morgan. As they laid the knight back on the mattress, the doctor started to check his vital signs. "Boy, we thought we had lost you for sure. You have been out for over a week now."

Morgan gripped his hand as if to send her own strength into his weakened body. "Will, are you okay? Will?" Then to reassure him she said, "You won! You defeated Gardain. Thank you! Thank you for both Robert and myself." She kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"How is Robert?" Will managed to whisper.

"Fine, my friend!" The friendly voice came from the doorway. Sir Robert walked in, and though still very thin, looked to be in very great shape. "I heard the commotion from next door and thought to come and investigate. Morion will be happy to have her champion back among the living." Then in a more serious tone, "Will, how are you?"

"Please, my I have some water?" Will looked at the jug on the table next to his bed.

Morgan stood and poured him a cup. She then gently lifted his head while placing the cup to his lips. "Seems like I am forever taking care of the men I love most!"

Will glanced at her startled, then a Robert in dismay. But Robert just laughed.

"Don't worry Will, I know of Morgan's love of you and that it takes nothing away from what she feels for me. I put that jealousy away after I saw the care you were willing to show me. She told me how you handled my illness and the plague of Gardain. Don't you remember I apologized to you for the vile thoughts I had of you in the past? You forgave me... remember?

"Yes, I remember."

Robert smiled. "Now I have a little advice to give you, not that you will take it. Morgan informs me that you are a most stubborn man, but here it is anyway: you have to stop playing with death. You have ventured close too often. Next time, you may not make it back to us."

Will looked from Robert to Morgan, then Ambros, "I don't play with death! I work with life. If death happens to get in my way, then so be it." Will smiled weakly, but then asked, "Where is Doctor Laroux? I have need of his remedies."

Ambros grinned and replied, "I will send for him at once, but please, you need your rest. Take this, it will help you sleep again." Ambros reached out a cup filled with a dark liquid.

Will violently slapped the cup from the aged doctor's hand. "NO! I don't want sleep! Leave me alone and get Laroux in here at once!"

"Will, calm down..." Morgan looked startled at his vehemence, but laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Robert stood watching him in wonder.

"You don't understand. I almost didn't make it back. Sleep is the enemy. My enemy. I was lost in dreams. It's Morlyn! He is behind much of what has happened here. If I should sleep again, it might mean my death."

Morgan knew of Will's old mentor. She both respected and feared the man who had taught Will the darker nuances of magic. It was these that Will had used against her in their first sorcerers dual. "Will, I thought Morlyn was dead," she finally admitted.

"Not dead. He is working with Lord Banon." Then Will's face grew grave, "Did Alan report the news of an army amassing up near the Old Ruins?"

"Yes, and Morion sent Arrow out to scout the area. But she doesn't know how to interpret the eagle's thoughts. We were waiting for you to awake.' Then to reassure him she said, "Yet Lady Morion has not been idle. The various boarder towns and villages are being fortified, and here in Morion itself there are preparations being made. Since the festival is over, she has also commanded her wizards and sages to make ready their magic to protect this realm, but only as a very last resort."

Will looked at Morgan in dismay, "Doesn't Morion believe me? She cannot use magic no matter what. It will be turned against her. Even if the enemy looks like they are going to overrun this realm, she must not use magic to stop it. It would be far better to let them have the realm, then to be consumed by the very thing that they are fighting against. Oh... crap. I don't have time to explain this all in detail. Where the hell is Laroux!"

"Here my Lord," Laroux said stepping into the tent, followed by Ambros and the Lady Morion. "It is good to see you feisty again!" He ended with a chuckle.

Morion came and took hold on Will's hand, "My mighty protector, I am in your debt once again. I will have to think of a way to repay you appropriately." Will glanced at Morgan. To his surprise, she had a smoldering look in her eyes. "I also overheard your comment about magic. You know that I won't do anything to hurt my people, but if all seems lost, I am not going to stand by and let them be taken without a final fight. If magic is my weapon of last resort, can you blame me?"

Will looked back to her. He understood her feelings all to well. "My Lady, I swear to you, that it won't be necessary. Not if I have my way. Now, please leave me and the good doctors. We have much to do." He squeezed her hand. The warmth he felt in her was rejuvenating. Morgan might be jealous, but Morion had a lot to offer him, though he chided himself for such thoughts. "Please leave now."

Then as they were leaving, he said, "Sir Robert, would you fetch my brother and Sir David. I need to talk with all of you. And bring Captain Tactus too."

Morgan suddenly turned back to him, "Will, you're going to object, but I don't give a damn. I'm going to be part of this. I left you once when we were faced by wood demons and you almost died. I won't leave you again. Ever!"

Sir Robert cocked an eyebrow at his wife, but instead of a jealous question or remark, turned to Will and stated, "You see, you have come close to death too often. From the sound of it, you were alone every time. You must stop facing it by yourself. From here on out, we are all with you." He spun around and walked out towards the palace.

Morgan came and took Will's hand, then bending close she said, "I won't leave you."

Will smiled and placed his hand on hers. "My Lady, we have much work to do. Please, since he trusts you, go find Arrow and bring him here."

"I will, if you promise to rest... no, I don't mean sleep, but rest. Will you do that for me?


"Then I'm on my way. Be good now, and don't give these doctors any trouble." She turned and walked out the door.

Will watched her go. He would never grow tired of how she walked. He shook his head to clear it of such thoughts. The doctors watched him with knowing smiles on their scholarly faces.

"Well, shall we get to work?" He said clearing his throat, "but before we get too deep into it, Doctor Laroux, if you would, make up a batch of your strongest tonic; one that will both strengthen the heart, blood, and mind. I place myself into your hands. But whatever you do, please don't let me sleep under any circumstances until I tell you. Is this clear?!"

"Yes, my Lord. I will prepare the tonic now. I guarantee, with it, you won't need to sleep for awhile." He smiled and set off for his herbarium.

William Black ©


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