Building the cage in plywood
The sides are there
I used Plywood as a building material. I think it worked well, but of
course you can use other materials. Just make sure they are non-toxic!
First I glued the sides together and then used screws to put everything together.
Drill a small hole before you put the screw in, otherwise the wood can easily crack.
If you use nails and a hammer it can crack as well - so screws are better.
"The upperfront" is there
From underneath
Here you can clearly see that I raised the bottom inside. I want to
make space for a heating mat. This might not necessary. But since Sweden
has cold winters I want to be able to use the heating mat if necessary.
Under the cage
I put a strip of wood in the middle under the cage for stability.
I used angle irons to secure the bottom and the strip of wood underneath.
The top
I want to be able to open the top so I put hinges on it. A top
that can be opened makes it easier when you clean, it makes
it easier when you (maybe) have cords for lights etc.
Just make sure to strengthen the corners so the frame is stable.
Part of the top
I sawed the wood in a 45 degrees angle for the top.
A hinge
Hinges for the top (in case you don't know what a hinge looks like..! ;)
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