Service to the Lady

Part III to "The Dark Rider"
By Anthony

Returning to the others gathered about the fire Anthony, the First Knight and Lady Morion find supper is ready and all enjoy the bounty of the forest brought to camp by Anthony and the young squire Tomas. Immediately after, the First Knight assigns the guard duty, a pair of the small group will be on guard all night. Rummaging in one of his packs, Anthony soon finds the small bottle and with a grin calls out to Sir Biros, "Sir Biros, as promised here is a fine bottle of brandy to be shared by all for as long as it lasts. Remember though, guard duty beckons to each in turn so everyone should be mindful not to take too much."
"Ah Anthony, it has been a long while from the castle with none of the pleasures such as a fine brandy to aid with the rigors of being in the saddle all day, "says Sir Biros as he helps himself to a taste from the offered bottle. Each in turn takes a small taste, even the First Knight indulges as well as Lady Morion. As the first guard tour begins its rounds, the others settle about the fire. Anthony, from long experience, is careful not to look directly into the fire as it may temporarily blind him if they were suddenly set upon. He notices too that the First Knight, while outwardly appearing at ease is also careful to avoid looking directly at the fire and his eyes, much like Anthony's are ever restless in looking beyond to the shadows that surround them.
"Anthony" Lady Morion says, looking at him with a slightly humorous glint in her eyes, "may I be so bold, since you are now going to be with us for a long while, to ask about you?"
"About me Lady Morion?" asks Anthony as he smiles, "I am only what you see. Other than that and from what I know, little more, even though you say that perhaps you can sense or see more."
"Please, Anthony humor me and tell me something of your story," Lady Morion pushes further.
"Very well, as you wish my Lady. Let us see, where shall I begin, "Anthony starts to say.
"Why, at the beginning. Surely you were born and raised somewhere," she says, impatiently urging him on.
"I am sure that that is very true, but those details and memories are not mine much to my regret, for you see" Anthony says looking into her dark eyes, "I have no past I can remember. At least, not those of when I was a child or as I was first growing into early adulthood." "How can this be Anthony, surely there must be something of your childhood that you remember?" exclaims Lady Morion.
Shaking his head Anthony replies ""I cannot tell you anything about my early life unless it's my dreams that take me there from time to time. Other than that, my memory begins fifteen years ago. My age at that time was somewhere between 14 and 17 years of age when I was found and nursed back to health." "What terrible thing happened to you to erase the memory of your youth?" asks the Lady.
"Even that is beyond me," says Anthony, "my first memory is waking in a rocking wagon and that my head hurt very badly. Let me show you why." And lifting his hair, all could see the very edge of a ragged scar that starts just at his hairline and disappears under Anthony's thick brown hair. "I see," says the First Knight, "It is not uncommon for fighting men to be struck so shrewd a blow upon the head as to lose their memory. Few are the times though where this lasts for very long and never have I heard of it lasting for so long." The other knights nod their heads in agreement. "I have done all that I can to try and bring those memories back over the years," says Anthony, "with no real success other than the dreams." "And what dreams are those?" asks Lady Morion.
With a small wry smile Anthony says, "I cannot be very sure that they are of my youth... it's just that it feels like I am there. I see green fields and dark forests, a man and a woman with warm brown eyes smiling at me, riding a horse with the thrill of the hunt pounding in my chest. And sometimes deep sorrow which I cannot understand but feel as though I must fight it." Noting the looks of concern and wonder about him, Anthony continues, "While there is more, it is something that I have come to terms with."
"Now, on to what I can answer in regards to your question," Anthony smiles, his white teeth flashing, "I discovered early on that I spoke well and could read, write, knew my numbers and how to use them. Also, and it seems as if I were born to it, I knew how to use a variety of weapons even at that young age. After becoming well I stayed with the nomads who found and nursed me. I helped them through my ability with words and numbers to increase their wealth and when I finally left them, they were well off indeed." Standing slowly, Anthony stretches a bit and then after a quick look beyond the fire continues.
"Not knowing my past or where I came from, I decided that since I had no one but myself to depend on I went to the largest city the nomads new of and there I studied weapons under several masters and learned all that I could from the books that were available. Also, I studied under any teacher or scholar that had the patience to teach me what he knew." Laughing at the memories Anthony went on, "Or should I say for as long as I had patience. Wanderlust soon took over after experiencing everything that the city could offer. Over the years I have sailed aboard the ships of the sea, ridden with the great caravans of the vast deserts, visited some of the largest cities of the empires of the world... and now, lately I am drawn in this direction. It seems strange now that I am in this land of yours, I feel almost content." Looking at all gathered about the fire, Anthony continues a bit more serious but still with a smile on his face, "And now we are at the present Lady Morion. Once again I am gamely employed and it seems with mystery and adventure added for good measure."
"While I may enjoy a good mystery and an adventure or two, I would rather take both with less ill will as they may now portend for my realm and most importantly for my subjects," Lady Morion comments with her worry plainly written on her face.
"Aye, Lady Morion," Sir Biros says, "I too fear, not so much for myself but for all the good that you have done for so many. To see that threatened is sad indeed." And standing up he takes firm hold on the hilt of his sword with his left hand and placing his right hand over his heart adds, "and to you Lady Morion and to your subjects, I will always pledge myself and my sword forever in your service till the last breath leaves my body." The entire group is instantly on its feet except Anthony and Lady Morion. Smiling the First Knight stands and says, "Well Done, Sir Knight! I am so very proud to be a fellow knight and comrade in arms with you all," turning to Lady Morion he says further, and perhaps with a deeper undertone to his words says as his eyes meet hers, "My Lady, all of us are yours, to command as you require, whether it be in time of peace or in war."
"My faithful knights and all the rest of you good fellows," Lady Morion begins, "I know your depth of devotion and it fills my heart and soul with warmth and wonder." Her eyes becoming moist she beams with pride at her protectors. Anthony is taking all of this in, few are the times he has witnessed the level of devotion he is seeing before him now. Even he is affected, as he remembers a past time or two where he had pledged his body and soul to a cause or a person. It has been a long while since those times. Can this be the end of the searching for someone or something to believe in again?
As the others share in the moment, Anthony leaves the small group and after checking the perimeter of the ring of stones, he ends up at his horse. "Toad my friend, are you enjoying the company of other horses rather than your grueling taskmaster and rider?" Anthony asks his horse. A soft blowing and one ear turned towards him is all Anthony receives as a reply, Toad the horse is far too busy taking advantage of the forage available as the grass is high, green and sweet.
"And so another mystery is created Anthony," Lady Morion remarks as she approaches, "Toad is an unusual name for a horse. I am beginning to see quite a streak of humor in you which is remarkable in a person who lives by the sword as you do."
"The world must be what each of us makes of it Lady Morion, I chose to allow humor to be a part of mine to offset the darkness I have to see so much of. It helps to keep me balanced both spiritually and mentally," replies Anthony. "As for Toad here, the mystery of the name is easily solved." A broad smile full of warmth and a bit of mischief up lights up his face and his eyes. Morion is surprised but hides it well, how can this dark warrior who lives by his wits and his sword have a smile that creates in others the incredible urge to smile back? Also, she thinks, it's his personality... direct, pleasant, intelligent, mysterious, and that sense of humor never far from the surface.
"I was traveling on foot one day and happened to look off into a pasture. I saw the oddest thing, from the distance it appeared as though a large frog was sitting in a small pond. Well curiosity took over and I hopped the rail fence to investigate. Well, curiosity gave way to astonishment which soon ended in a huge long laugh. For you see, instead of a huge frog," Anthony pauses as he strokes Toad's neck, "I see this large fellow sitting in a large puddle, his head hanging between this front legs as he is lazily nibbling at some grass." Toad is hardly impressed by all the talking about him as he continues cropping at the grass around the nearest stone pillar. Anyway," Anthony says, "As I was turning to leave him to his puddle and grass, Toad here gives a long loud blow, stands up and walks over to me. Then he puts his chin on my shoulder and just looks at me as if saying, can we go now? So I look at him right back and say "Alright, your name is now Toad and as long as you are good to me I will always be good to you", patting his neck again, Anthony pauses, then goes on, "and to make a long story short I bought him from the farmer and we have been through..." here Anthony pauses again. A parade of emotions flash across his face and his eyes stare, as if seeing beyond the here and now. Morion wonders to herself, does he think about the past or is the past he is seeing with his minds eye the prelude of what is to come? Even she shudders inwardly at the thought of what it must take for this man, a veteran fighter, to pause. Morion reaches out and lightly squeezes his arm, "Anthony, where are you? What thoughts take you from the here and now".
"What... oh, my pardon Lady Morion, sometimes the past... well, it is good that it is the past and we learn from it, and hopefully, never repeat it. I beg your pardon again my Lady, for the mystery I seem to put before you. Be assured it is not mystery, just unpleasant memories best allowed to remain at rest, that cause me to pause in my story, "says Anthony.
"Very well Anthony, though one day I will want to hear more. If you are to remain here within my realm and especially in my castle as part of my court and as a protector, I shall not be wanting a great deal of mystery and the unknown to exist between us," states Lady Morion, the steel under the velvet exterior making itself felt. Looking at her Anthony sees Morion's expression, and the look in her eyes show little room for argument.
"Please continue with Toads story," she says.
"Umm, yes my Lady. Toad and I left the farmer with me riding bare back on him," Anthony starts to say more but is interrupted by loud voices on the other side of the stone ring.
"Something is amiss," says Morion. Anthony sees Toad with his head up looking behind them with both ears turned in the same direction he is looking.
"Aye my Lady," states Anthony, "but if everyone is running to see what is occurring over there," pointing to their front, and then is turning to look to the rear, "who is looking to see what may come from behind?" Lady Morion is just reacting to what Anthony has just said and is turning to see what he is looking at when Anthony mutters an oath and is drawing his sword. Reaching down he pulls a wicked looking mace from his gear next to Toad. "My Lady, call out for aide for we are being attacked from the rear, I cannot fight and protect you and call for aide..." and with that barely said Anthony is engaging the first of the dark attackers that are entering the stone ring. They are all intent on the Lady Morion, converging on her. Suddenly there is the huge roar of a battle cry as Anthony quickly moves against the attackers. Morion has drawn her own rapier and calls out, "My Knights, to me. The enemy is to our rear." Her eyes though are upon Anthony. My God, she thinks, so many against one but not once did he hesitate to battle and as she watches she is amazed. His speed and strength are incredible. She watches as Anthony spits one attacker on his sword, and using the body as a shield, fights the others off with his mace only to lift his sword and the body on it off the ground and toss it into the wave of attackers with little apparent effort. Instantly he is back in front of her crouching, both weapons at the guard position. In the space of a dozen heart beats there are two bodies on the ground and one limping away as the others edge closer.
"Who's next you miserable curs," Anthony growls out to the attackers, the promise of death and mayhem dripping from his words. The others hesitate as Anthony's words buys precious moments as the knights and squires are soon to arrive.
"Who are you?" calls out a large fellow at the rear of the attackers. "Your death, if you come again," yells Anthony.
"I know you, "another of the attackers calls out, "you are Anthony, the one they call The Dark Rider. We heard you were dead."
"Come closer and I will prove to you that I am not," Anthony states, a nasty grin on his face.
"The Lady Morion is under my protection," says Anthony, "and if you know me you know what that means, carry that message to those cowards that hired you to kill a woman in the dark."
"Kill her, kill her now," a woman's voice screams from the dark. "You did not tell us Anthony was here, witch. It is one thing to fight knights, it is another to fight someone like Anthony" says one of the attackers.
"Cowards and fools, he bleeds like any other and so will she now," screams the woman. Anthony and the Lady Morion cannot see who the woman is but Anthony senses imminent danger and places himself between the voice and Lady Morion. There is a blur and with the instinct of a veteran fighter his shield arm comes up but it holds a mace and not a shield. Something hits the mace a glancing blow then strikes Anthony hard in the upper chest. "Damn you, again you spoil my aim. That bolt will finish you though you miserable dog," screams the woman again as hoof beats and the running of men are heard moving away from the stone ring. Anthony is staggered by the blow, falling against Morion before regaining his balance. He looks down and sees the shaft and winged end of a crossbow bolt sticking out of his chest. "Oh my, Anthony," cries out Lady Morion as she drops her slender sword and puts both arms around him to help hold him up. The knights and squires have arrived, some going out past the ring of stones to see if any of the attackers are still out there while the First Knight and Sir Biros attend Anthony.
"Anthony, give me your weapons and allow Sir Biros to help you lay down," says the First Knight.
"Gladly," replies Anthony handing his sword and mace to Sir Biros. Looking at the bolt sticking from his chest Anthony says with a small pained smile, "Well, I have seen worse... I just wish I could remember when." The others look at him wondering how a fellow could joke at a time like this. "My pardon, Lady Morion, it seems I will not be able to provide my services to you for a while or maybe longer," Anthony continues.
"Do not say such things Anthony, you will be just fine, the bolt has clearly missed your heart and does not appear to be that deep," replies Lady Morion.
"Oh, I agree my Lady, its just that the bolt is poisoned," states Anthony. "Poisoned, how do you know?" asks Morion.
"Simply because I have been struck with a bolt before and poisoned before and this feels like both," replies Anthony. Morion and the others look on with astonishment and Anthony continues as the world around him darkens, and I am going... to...". Anthony's head rolls to one side as his eyes close. "Poisoned? Well I know how to deal that coward's weapon", states Lady Morion as she quickly moves to her baggage.

To be continued...

 Story by Anthony ©

The Dark Rider by Anthony
  • Part 1, The Dark Rider

  • Part 2, The Dark Rider Employed

  • Part 3, Service to the Lady

  • Part 4, Brotherhood

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