
Part IV to "The Dark Rider"
By Anthony

Slowly, as if from a well-rested night of sleep, Anthony comes awake. The sensations from the dreamy light slumber make themselves felt one at a time. First comes warmth followed immediately by the wonderful softness of the bed he is on and its luxurious coverings. Mmmm, he thinks to himself with his eyes still closed, I haven't felt this good or at peace in a long time. and with just a bit of dark humor, realizes. if ever. A few sounds around him begin to filter in, the music of some birds nearby and then the soft rustling of clothing as someone moves close to him.

Instantly Anthony is out of the bed facing the direction of the sound. As dizziness leads to darkness and his legs begin to crumble beneath him he sees a tall woman with auburn hair wearing common clothing looking at him first with mild surprise then with a bit of a smile. Just before darkness is complete Anthony looks down at his legs and with the floor rising to meet him realizes, he is quite naked.

Something is burning in his throat, which brings Anthony wide-awake coughing and sputtering. "Stop spitting it out and swallow, it's a potion mixed by one of healers. It's going to make you feel much better if you drink it", comes the complaining sound of a woman's voice next to Anthony, "The potion will not do anything if you wear it." Blinking through the watery eyes, Anthony sees that this is the same woman sitting on the bed next to him who he saw just before he passed out.

"Well if it tasted better I would be much more agreeable to drinking it" replies Anthony hoarsely. "By the way, how did I get back into bed and if you do not mind me asking," gazing at her with interest as he clears his throat, " What is your name?" he asks. Smiling, Anthony is more than just mildly curious about this pretty woman with the lovely green eyes sitting next to him.

Blushing just a bit the woman responds, " My name is Lydia, and I called for some help. Being that you are a fairly solid and big fellow", a small smile here touching her eyes and the corners of her lips, " I knew I could not lift you myself and it would really have been improper for me to do so." With the smile becoming a little bigger she adds, " Especially with you not having any clothes on."

Suddenly as if remembering her duties Lydia thrusts the bottle at Anthony, Now, its time for you to finish your healing and to get your strength back, Milord"

Taking the bottle and bringing it to his lips with mock disgust Anthony drains the bottle.
" Yuck!" and handing the bottle back says, "and it is not Milord, it is Anthony and I am only a commoner aspiring to become a gentleman one day, if I live long enough."

" Ha, a commoner?? Hardly that with the care and status with how you are being treated by Lady Morion and her Knights," Lydia scoffs, " I saw your weapons and horses and you appear more the knight or a baron, or hmmm.or perhaps not?" The mystery of the man lying on the bed tweaks her curiosity. Leaning forward with she adds, " What is your story then?"

Momentarily Anthony is distracted by Lydia's well filled bodice as she leans toward him. Clearing his throat Anthony looks up and sees Lydia looking back at him, one eye with an arched eyebrow as if asking, "and just what are you looking at". Hardly embarrassed and even a bit amused Anthony answers her question.

" Only the same story that belongs to a number of fellows with a strong back and a sense of wandering in their heart". With a sad little smile touching his face, Anthony continues, " I am nothing more than a traveling soldier for hire, though not so crude as many of my peers." Looking at Lydia he says, " Of course, I do share with all men the appreciation for a very pretty girl." This earns him a warm smile and a light blush from Lydia. My, my she thinks to herself, this man does have a way with words and the charm.

Glancing down at where he was struck by the bolt from the crossbow his eyes widen in surprise for instead of a bandaged wound there is only a scar still red but fully sealed without a scab, shaped strangely, yet. oddly familiar. " What is this, how long have I been lying in bed?" exclaims Anthony, " a wound such as this should take weeks to heal."
" I know not Mi..uh Anthony," says Lydia, " I know only that you were brought to the castle three days ago.".
" Three days! What magic or great healer lives here that can heal a man poisoned and crossbow struck in only three days," amazement and disbelief clearly evident on Anthony's face as he lightly touches the nearly healed wound.

" Lady Morion is a noble of wonderful power and abilities. Within her castle and with help of the Dark Crystal she has no equals when it comes to healing the hurt and sick," replies Lydia, " It is rumored that other powers were brought to help as the poison was too strong for even the Lady to stop, though no one knows for sure. I only know that after only being here for a few hours, Lady Morion became quite desperate to save you. You were placed upon a litter, the First Knight and Sir Biros then carried you out with Lady Morion leading the way."

Looking quite pleased with herself at her Lady's abilities Lydia continued, " The next morning you were here and I have been taking care of you ever since," and taking a quick glance up and down Anthony's lean and muscular frame she says with a faint blush and a large smile, " I have not minded it too much." Indeed not she thinks to herself as old feelings and sensations long ignored find themselves awakening once again.

" Lydia, may I have a few moments with our honored guest if you are done flirting with him," asks Lady Morion from the doorway, obviously having been at the doorway long enough to hear some of the conversation been Anthony and Lydia. " I will try not to take him from your tender care for too long." "My Lady! Oh.I mean.oh yes I was just leaving," saying this Lydia begins to rise from the bed. Lightly taking her by her hand and squeezing it gently Anthony looks deep into her eyes for just a moment and then says as they both begin to smile, " I feel my healing will take forever if you are very far away, I do hope you will not be too long in your other duties." With a small laugh and her heart secretly beating a bit faster Lydia leaves the bedside saying, " You are quite the rascal are you not Anthony." With a little wink that only he can see Lydia leaves the room with a small bow and smile to the Lady of the castle.

" How strange," remarks Lady Morion as she watches Lydia leave the room. " Why strange Lady Morion, is it so odd that a girl might show a little interest in a rouge such as myself," asks Anthony feigning hurt feelings but the humor in his eyes giving him away.
" Nay Anthony, I will not rise to your baiting me," replies the Lady, " its only that Lydia has shown little interest in men for a long time," she pauses, " but that is a discussion for another time." Coming over to the bed and sitting next to Anthony, she looks directly at him in a way that is not so much really at him but almost through him. and deeply past him. Both are quiet for a minute or two until finally Lady Morion blinks and then looks at him again, this time she is here and now.
" I am comforted to know that all is well now," she says. Anthony does not question her statement as he himself is feeling better by the moment. " Lady Morion," says Anthony, " pardon my curiosity. I would like to know what happened and how I am now finding myself in such unexpected but very welcomed good health."
" Oh Anthony, you did truly have us all very worried and quite frankly," pausing here to take his right hand into both of hers, " I was losing the battle against the poison from the bolt." A chill swept up Anthony's spine and he could not help but to squeeze Morion's hands just a bit.
" Right after you collapsed I was able to remove the bolt and begin to treat the poison within your body. A troop of my knights and squires arrived shortly after that and we were able to make it back to my castle before the poison began to claim more of your body and mind."
" It was a frightfully powerful venom in your body and all my power and even with the aide of the Dark Crystal I was losing you more and more. You saved my life twice and I would repay each of those times by doing everything in my power to save you, even if it meant.," the Lady Morion pauses and looks out the window. After a few moments she returns her eyes to his she and continues, " Even if that meant asking a favor from a old friend, a favor that would possibly risk his life as well as yours."
With the obvious question in his eyes Anthony remains silent as he allows the Lady to continue.
" Yes Anthony, there are times, when depending on the type of treatment for a hurt or illness, the healer takes certain risks, even so far as to experience the illness and its results with the patient. The result for you would have meant I would have lost you both had the poison proved too powerful."
" My thanks to both you and your old friend for my life," Anthony says as a large smile once again visits his face.
" Ah yes, about my old friend, he did ask that once you were well enough that he would like to see you," said Lady Morion.
" Well, let us find out if I am as fit as I feel, " and so saying this Anthony lets go of the Lady's hands and swings his feet over the edge of the bed and onto the floor.
" What are you doing Anthony," cries Lydia from the door, " you cannot possibly be ready to be up and about." Hurriedly she moves across the room to be beside Anthony placing her hands on his shoulders and pushing him to the bed.
" Now Lydia, you are a good nurse and a pretty woman. If I were never to get out of this bed how would I ever be able to show you just how pretty you truly are," says Anthony with a large wink. With Lydia bent over Anthony on the bed and her hands placed firmly against his shoulders, Lady Morion cannot help but to jest a bit herself.
" Lydia, if someone were to enter the room right now", she asks, " how would it look."
" Oh I.," pausing for a moment she realizes her position on the bed over Anthony, " oh, I .," and turning a lovely shade of red Lydia stands up, smoothes out her skirt and says, " Well that will be quite enough from the two of you, if you will pardon me Lady Morion, I will be about more important matters," and with all the dignity she can muster, Lydia leaves the room.

Just as she leaves, both Anthony and Lady Morion look at each and start to laugh. After a few moments Anthony says, " I will have to make it up to her somehow, I do not want that woman to angry at me."

" I doubt very seriously that she will remain angry for long, you are a handsome man and apparently she is quite taken with you," Lady Morion observes. " Handsome? I'll take your word for that," replies Anthony as he stands carefully holding the bed coverings around his waist.
" Believe it," states the Lady, " more over, were not my heart already someone else's, I might be attracted too," as she looks him up and down. " Please, my Lady, I will not be baited either," Anthony smiles and stretches a bit, " that would be tricky at best with you as a noble woman and I, a hired guard." " Enough of that, you have saved my life twice and you have placed your body between death and myself both of those times," Lady Morion says, " You are my friend." " My thanks Lady Morion, " he says as he tests his legs and finds them sturdy enough, " It would seem that I am fit enough to visit your old friend if you do not mind turning around so that I might find some clothing to put on." Smiling, the Lady replies, " You do spoil the fun," and pointing to a chair in the corner as she turns to leave the room, " your clothing is on the chair in the corner of the room. Please meet me in the library at the end of the hall to your right as you leave your room."

Anthony bows slightly as she leaves. Interesting woman, he thinks to himself as he walks over to the chair. Looking down he sees that his clothes are washed and the crossbow bolthole in his gambeson has been very carefully and artfully patched. The sight of Lydia washing and mending his clothes enters his mind and the idea of her bending over a washtub brings a smile to his face. Humming cheerfully to himself he dons his clothes and makes his way to the library to meet Lady Morion.

As he enters the library Lady Morion is standing next to a large bookshelf. Before he can say anything she motions for him to be silent and waves him over to her. " Quietly," she whispers and then turns to a sconce on the wall which she twists. The bookcase swings quietly inward to reveal a dark passage.

" Follow," she whispers again and leads the way into the tunnel turning to twist another knob, which swings the bookcase back to its original position. After a moment, Anthony realizes that the passage is faintly lit almost glowing as he follows deeper and slightly downward. Both are quiet, each with their own thoughts until they come to an immense cavern lit with torches. In the dim light a faint trail can be seen leading through the middle of the cavern. As they reach this point the trail forks, taking the right fork Anthony sees that it leads to a darkened side of the cavern.

Questions enter and leave his mind as Anthony and Lady Morion move deeper toward the darkness. In front of them looms a huge boulder, almost in the middle of the path. Soon the Lady stops and Anthony comes up to her side. She is smiling lightly and then says, " Greetings to you old friend," as she nods her head. Anthony begins to wonder what is happening until a familiar voice rumbles low from in front of them.

" Greetings to you Lady Morion, I see our patient is now well," and what Anthony had thought was a huge boulder, uncoils itself to reveal a large dragon, the same one Anthony met in the forest, the one that hired The Dark Rider to protect Lady Morion.
Smiling Anthony says, " Well met Great One, I hope all is well with you." A short snort and a low rumble of a laugh comes from the dragon, " I am well enough now, though two days ago, I would have thought I breathed my last," replied the dragon.

" What, and how so? What could possibly threaten one of your kind in this place?" asks Anthony disbelief clearly on his face.

" Why the poison in your body for one," states the dragon.

"What are you talking about, how could you.," without finishing his sentence the wonderment of what he begins to realize starts growing in his mind. Morion's words begin to come together, " and old friend ". " a healer sharing the pain of illness or a wound of the person they are treating". " I would have lost you both had the poison proved too powerful".

Anthony shakes head, " You mean that you were the healer, the old friend asked to help save my life?" he asks the dragon in amazement.

" Yes, although it's a bit more complicated than that," replies the dragon. Moving around and resettling himself the dragon continues, "You see, the poison was the most powerful I have ever experienced. So the only choice I had to save you was to put a little of me into you." Saying that the dragon smiles, which usually can be very disconcerting with that big mouth and all those fangs.

"WHAT!! How is that possible," exclaims Anthony as he holds his head.

" Simple, I cut myself with one of my talons and dripped ten drops of my blood into your wound," the dragon rumbled his reply. Now the shape of the scar comes back to Anthony and he realizes why it was oddly familiar, it was the shape of a flying dragon.

" Linking your body and strength to mine we were able to defeat the poison.though it was uncomfortably close," the dragon mutters in astonishment. " From somewhere in you Anthony came this tremendous well of power, I have never felt or experienced anything like it before and between us we won." Chuckling as only a dragon can at the look on Anthony's face, the dragon continues, " By the way Dark Rider as some of me, a dragon, is now forever a part of you, from this day forth dragons will always feel you are one of them. They will always know when you are near and you will always know when they are near."

His mind reeling from the words of the dragon, Anthony then hears what few men in the history of the world will ever hear,

" Welcome Anthony, the one they call the Dark Rider, to the Brotherhood of the Dragons."

To be continued...

 Story by Anthony ©

The Dark Rider by Anthony
  • Part 1, The Dark Rider

  • Part 2, The Dark Rider Employed

  • Part 3, Service to the Lady

  • Part 4, Brotherhood

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